Mission Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Here we are into April already – the year is flying by and I’m sorry it has been such a long time since I sent out an email!

Yesterday I said good-bye to my family as they left in a tuk tuk to the airport in Phnom Penh and I left in another tuk tuk to the bus station to travel back to Siem Reap. We had a wonderful two weeks together that went too quickly as time does! We spent time roaming the ancient temples here in Siem Reap and then travelled down to Phnom Penh for 5 nights. There we travelled out to the Flourish Workshop with Sherree Hughes, experienced the sobering story  of genocide at the Killing Fields  and just hung out, whether wandering through markets or swimming back at the hotel. We journeyed down to Kep, by the seaside, for the three days of Khmer new year where we enjoyed the forests of the national park, an extended hike over the mountain, a swim at the beach and $1.00 fruit shakes. I feel very blessed and thankful to God for providing the means for my family to come over and spend the holidays with me and make such happy memories.

Now as I face the next few months, classes resuming on Monday, I am praying again for God to give me a dedicated heart and the strength to always do my best.  After just recently reading the chapter “Education: The Great Equalizer” from Dr Ben Carson’s book, The Big Picture, I have realised again how great a responsibility, as a teacher,  I have laid at my door. And most importantly, the responsibility I have to God.  Just the other day I read this passage in Psalms 71:16 “I will go in the strength of the Lord God.” This is my mission, for only in Him can be found wisdom, understanding and knowledge.

Thankyou so much for your support financially and through prayer. Prayer changes lives and I can certainly see the effects of your prayers in my life every day. I am always praying for and thinking of you all.

May God keep you ever in His hands,





My Grade 8 Students

My Grade 8 Students

2 thoughts on “Mission Update

  1. Lovely to see an update! Glad you are well and continuing to bless and be blessed! 🙂 Ben Carson’s books are great hey!

I'd love to hear from you all from across the ocean!